Adela Murad

Adela’s Journey: Faith, Family, and Fighting Breast Cancer

Adela Murad, a mother of four, never expected her life to take the turn it did when she and her family relocated to Oklahoma in 2021. After living in California for over two decades, Adela and her husband decided to move their family to Piedmont, Oklahoma, in search of a simpler life, away from the chaos of the pandemic. It was a leap of faith—leaving behind their established life and trusting that their new chapter in Oklahoma would be a better fit for their children.

Their move was full of excitement, and they were especially thrilled when they closed on their new house in July. But just days after moving in, Adela received a life-changing letter: a reminder for her routine mammogram. Given the whirlwind of the move, Adela debated postponing it but ultimately decided to get it done. That decision was a blessing in disguise.

Adela went for her mammogram on July 20th, expecting it to be routine. However, after additional images and a biopsy, her worst fears were confirmed—there was a tiny but significant lump in her left breast. Adela was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The news hit her hard. The joy of their new life in Oklahoma quickly gave way to fear and uncertainty. As a mother, her first thoughts were about her children—especially her youngest, Audrey, who was just six years old at the time. For two weeks, Adela felt lost, overwhelmed by the diagnosis, and uncertain about her future. “I felt like my world had come crashing down,” she recalls. “I thought about my children and couldn’t understand why this was happening.”

But Adela didn’t allow herself to stay in that dark place for long. With the unwavering support of her husband, her children, and her faith, she sought treatment and guidance. Her doctors, including specialists like Dr. Toma and Dr. Chang, recommended proton therapy as a targeted, less invasive option for her cancer treatment.

Proton therapy provided Adela with hope. The advanced technology allowed precise targeting of the cancerous area while minimizing damage to surrounding organs, particularly her heart. “The staff at the proton center were incredible. From the moment I walked in, I felt supported and cared for,” Adela says. The treatment, though physically exhausting, was manageable, and Adela found comfort in the care and compassion she received at the Oklahoma Proton Center.

The staff at the proton center were incredible. From the moment I walked in, I felt supported and cared for.”

Adela’s journey was not without challenges. She felt fatigued, both physically and emotionally, but she never gave up. With each treatment session, she was one step closer to healing. Her strength was tested when her father-in-law passed away during her therapy, but she kept going, buoyed by the love and support of her medical team and family. She knew that she had to keep fighting—not just for herself, but for her children and her future.

In January 2022, Adela completed her proton therapy. Surrounded by her family and friends, she proudly rang the bell to signify the end of her treatment. It was a moment of triumph, a reminder of her strength and the power of hope. “When I rang that bell, I felt like I was getting my life back,” she says. “It was a new beginning for me.”

Today, Adela is a three-year breast cancer survivor. She speaks passionately about the importance of early detection and the benefits of proton therapy. “There is hope, and there is a way through this,” she says. Adela’s faith, courage, and determination have carried her through the toughest battle of her life, and she now dedicates her time to supporting other cancer patients. “Just keep moving forward and never lose hope.”

Adela’s story is one of faith, family, and fighting spirit. She is living proof that even in the darkest moments, hope can light the way forward.

Patients or others wanting more information about proton therapy and how it can be used to treat cancer can reach out to the center at (405) 773-6700 or visit the Oklahoma Proton Center website at

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